Stories of Aspiring Entrepreneurs


Every story in this book is written based on the real life experiences of the co-author. There is one common thing I have noticed, that is, they have written from their hearts, openly sharing their personal stories of struggles and lessons learnt along the journey of their challenging life as individuals and as entrepreneurs. Readers can get to know them in a more intimate way, first as friends, and possibly become cooperative business partners if they are in anyway able to help you in your careers or businesses.

There are twelve stories in this book, “Stories of Aspiring Entrepreneurs”. I have read each chapter several times. I appreciate from the bottom of my heart, their effort in writing and the spirit of sharing the wisdom they have gathered from their life journeys, and bearing part of the cost in publishing this book you are holding in your hands. I have become the first beneficiary of their sharing. I with me their stories and stored them in my memories.

For example, how Richard’s mother’s sharing half of the curry chicken with the neighbour had shaped Richard’s character of generosity until today.

Dr. Hooi’s story on how he got selected for a coveted job in a Japanese Multinational Company, “From over 250 potential candidates, 25 candidates were chosen for the 1st interview. From the 25 interviewed candidates, seven were chosen for the 2nd interview. Ultimately, I was the chosen one for the position. How did I do it?”

We can learn many valuable lessons like these from the stories of the co-authors of this book.

SKU: 9789671386729 Category:

Product Details:
Author : Habibullah Khong Sow Kee
Product ID : 9789671386729
Pages : 328
Format : Paper Back
Published Date : 2017

Language »
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