“Looking to enhance your kindergarten’s reputation and enrollment? Explore the impact of introducing CRETS for early creative thinking skills. Let’s discuss the benefits for your students and your kindergarten’s success.”

(Photo) Dr. Thomas Hooi & Master Shiro

GeniusBrain CRETS Authorised Representative


B5-2-3 Signature Park, Jalan Teknologi 2/1B, Kota Damansara, 47810, Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia.

Tel: 011-2561 8098

(Photo) Team of MSGA


Di era Artificial Intelligence (AI), pemikiran kreatif adalah satu-satunya yang tidak dapat digantikan.

A.I.智能过剩的年代, 创意思考唯一不能取代

思考力で AI の力を解き放ちます

Unlock the potential of Creative Thinking Simulations (CRETS) for your students and your kindergarten


Brain Research on Creativity by Dr. George Land and Beth Jarma.

A test that Land and Jarman created for NASA was simple and could be applied to any age group. Hence, they decided to measure the progress of 1600 children between the ages of 4 and five.
98% of the 1600 children scored genius level! In 5 years time, they give the same group of children the same test again but it declined to just 30% only, a 68% reduction. 5 years later, by now all the children are in high school, they run the same test again, but now, only 12% of them scored the genius level!
Land then conduct this same test on adults with an average age of 31 and found out less than 2% of all adults scored at genius level. 

The results shows that the older we are, the less creative we are. That is why see that when a young child learn a new language, they learn it faster than an adult. The good news is Creativity can be nurtured. By giving children the right brain simulation, they can maintain their creativity and solve problems from different perspective

Yes, I want more info on GeniusBrain's CRETS course for my kindergarten and A FREE 10 Tips On Increasing My Kindergarten Enrollment eBook worth USD 13.

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