Now is the time to be a GeniusBrain Certified Online Coach. Earn additional income from the comfort of your home with GeniusBrain ALS Online Coach Start-Up Package.


No Experience Needed! Be a GeniusBrain ALS Online Coach for yourself, not by yourself!

Now you can be a GeniusBrain ALS Certified Online Coach like never before! Make some extra by helping students to learn better and increase their learning power. It can be part-time or full time commitment. Our start-up package is simple. And you can earn recurring monthly income from it. 

The recent Pandemic has affected a lot of Educators, Teachers, Facilitators, Trainers and the livelihood of many who are from various type of professions. Sometime it affected the bring home income. Actual face to face classes is not possible in a certain area. And parents are reluctant to send their children to learning centres due to the pandemic. The good news is, children still need to learn. They still need to acquire methods to help them learn better. They still long for certification. Hence, as a company that has more than 20 years of experiences in the Enrichment Education line, we have come out with a solution for individual who want to generate more income by being in the education business via GeniusBrain Online Coaching System. Students still study online. You can do it full time or part-time. Its flexible.  Since its online, now you can coach students from any countries. We will guide you on teaching children proven methods of learning so they can learn better and achieve better school results. This will be the new trends in Online Education. Now, you have the opportunity to be in it by being an ALS Certified Online Coach.

The Exclusive Course For Our Facilitators

Coach your students to learn:

  • Powerful study techniques
  • Self-evaluation through study checklist
  • Effective examination techniques
  • Effective time management plans
  • Powerful notes taking & notes making methods
  • Whole brain learning methods
  • Recall methods

With the Advanced Learning Strategies your students will be able to Excel in their study in no time! Just teach your students by following our step by step methods. It is simple, easy and you will get remarkable results with our teaching guide.

Ever dreamed of starting your online coaching career? Where you can guide students from any part of the world? And you can do it full time or part time? If you have, we have a PROVEN SYSTEM for you. We changed the traditional Education Franchise business model into the 21st Century Hybrid Business Model. No teaching experience needed. We train you from scratch. Be in education coaching business for yourself, not by yourself!

GeniusBrain System offers you an opportunity to contribute and serve our society to meet their goals in terms of academic excellence. Tremendously, you will enjoy the satisfaction in our quest of excellence, also proudly be recognized as a pioneer in this education field.

We have unique combination of early education in package  type  which creates a niche market in this industry.

What makes GeniusBrain Advanced Learning Strategies among the leading supplemental education system? Unique, proven teaching methods, unsurpassed training and support, proprietary programs and dedicated individuals make us a winning combination.  We believe that education is the key to the future. We know how important it is for children to live up to their potential! The world is changing rapidly and our children must be able to meet the challenges that the future will bring. Now, with changing technologies, our children must have the problem-solving skills for many different opportunities. 

Have Any Questions?


Some of the common questions asked by our clients.

There is no need for you to set up your own centre. Your training will be conducted online and your students can be anyone who can join your class anywhere in the world via Zoom/Team/Skype etc!

Your targeting students age group will be from 7 year old up to 18 years old.

We provide the most affordable biz model available in the market today. You can contact us directly via WhatsApp where our dedicated staff will attend to your inquiry. We provide full package where you will have all the necessary materials, backup support to teach the full course.   

GeniusBrain  uses  the  international  recognised  methods  for  Whole  Brain Development  and  learning strategies to help children to  develop  their hidden learning potentials, creativity and thinking skills. This distinctive approach, coupled with the company’s unique  accelerated  teaching  system  and  usage of subliminal technology, provide a unique  selling  proposition  to  GeniusBrain affiliates when  they approach potentials clients.

Once you formalised the agreement with us,  GeniusBrain team will provide the comprehensive business package  that will enable New ALS Online Coach to kick  start  their  new  business almost  immediately.  Basically,  everything you need to start up the business is provided once you completed the training.

GeniusBrain provides various business model tailor made to client’s financial standing  for  their  personal and career growth needs. GeniusBrain is  the Winner for Asia Pacific Top Excellence Brand Award by Global Business Magazine,  a  leading business magazine in Asia Pacific. Our learning system is currently available in Malaysia, United Kingdom, Russia, Cambodia, Oman, Bahrain and Singapore.

You can use the language your clients preferred. Example like in Oman and Bahrain, we conduct our class using Arabic and English Language while in Russia, we use Russian language to conduct our class.

Basically, you can teach ALS Online course to anyone in the world via Live Channel like Zoom or Google Team. Each session can last up to 40 minutes.

You can WhatsApp to us by clicking the WhatsApp button. Our dedicated GeniusBrain Team will assist you further. 

You can get your students via mouth to mouth with parents who you know or advertise in social media via Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Google Adsword, WhatsApp Group, Telegram etc. In the training, we will share with you your customised marketing materials that you can share with others parents for their children to join your online coaching session.


GeniusBrain Country Master Dealership with Cambodia
  1. Find out what you will receive as GeniusBrain Certified Online Coach.
  2. We have an exclusive Curriculum that applies to students from anywhere in the world. Know what you will be coaching.
  3. Find out how you can join us as a Certified Coach. 
  4. Coach at your flexible time. 

Kindly fill up the form below and we will send you the information to enter our exclusive area.

Kindly fill up the form below and we will furnish you with more EXCLUSIVE information on being a GeniusBrain Certified Online Coach at our VIP page. .

Click Below To WhatsApp Us. All Inquiry Welcome.

Welcome to discuss with us and find out how you can be a GeniusBrain ALS Online Coach. Our system is ready for your perusal. And our team is ready to assist you. Take action NOW by WhatsApp to us.

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